Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What video game should i get? Star wars the force unleashed ultimate sith edition or Batman Arkham Asylum?

What video game should i get? Star wars the force unleashed ultimate sith edition or Batman Arkham Asylum? Both games seem good to me, and both Star wars the force unleashed 2 is coming up and so is batman arkham asylum 2. So which one should i get?|||Batman Arkham Asylum. Totally re playable. I played the force unleashed and wasn't that impressed but don't let that turn you away from playing it yourself. I'm just saying, try Batman Arkham Asylum first cause you'll totally like it.|||Personally I have never been a fan of Batman and I must admit, there are different versions of star wars F.U depending on the console you buy it from. I have it for the Wii and I love it but it does get boaring after a while. I am not recommending batman because I fancy going against everyone else !

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|||Batman, hands down. Force Unleashed is half the game Arkham Asylum is. Batman has tons of replay value, the story is excellent, and the combat is some of the best for it's genre.|||Get Batman, it was way better and longer than the force unleashed. I got bored with star wars after I beat it in like 6 hours and haven't touched it since. Batman is fun butt kicking action that has good replay value.

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