Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Who was the first person to get a star on the Hollywood walk of Fame and How do you get a star?

I was just wondering how you get a star on there like do you have to have won a certain amount of awards or something and who was the first person to get a star on there anyways.|||The First Star was given to Joanne Woodward on the 9th January 1960

and there are five categories which the stars come from :Motion Pictures, Television, Music, Theatre and Radio, and they are chosen by the "Broadway Walk Of Stars Foundation" panel who choose who's name is to be included|||The Walk of Fame is in front of Mann's Chinese Theater (originally Grauman's). I would guess that the management of that theater are the ones who choose the stars. Or maybe they were at first; now it might be the city of Hollywood or the chamber of commerce. Did you ever think of googling "Hollywood Walk of Fame"?|||These days anyone gets a star,even rappers and TV show hosts.They have cheapened the whole STAR aspect of the meaning of getting one.NO TALENT REQUIRED.HALF of them are undeserving.

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