Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What planet is the most shinning star on the sky?

At night when the stars appear you can see that one of them is really shinning's the biggest and the most shinning star .. so what planet is it?|||Venus. This time of year though Venus is visible in the early morning so if you see this "star" at night rising from the east it may be Jupiter. It's quite bright as well.|||venus is not a star neither is jupiter there are both plannets ,stars give out their own light like the sun which is a star and planets get their light from stars, to say venus and jupiter are stars is wrong they are only reflecting light sorry i but the most shining star would have to be the sun

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|||sorry evil tiger _lily i dont think you deserved the ten points your answer is definitely wrong

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|||Venus|||stars arnt planets|||venus

sometimes mars|||Venus, also called the North Star.|||I'm pretty sure its Venus.. It really depends on the time of year..|||well at night just after the sun sets it is the Venus that you see is the brightest. at the time of dawn it is the Mars.|||Venus not to be confused as the north star because it moves

The North Star is Polaris It is the star at the end of the "handle" of the Little Dipper|||If you are viewing near dawn or dusk, and the planet appears near where the sun is about to rise, or has just set, you are probaly looking at the planet Venus. If you are viewing in the middle of the night, you may be seeing Jupiter or Saturn, since both are relatively bright.|||Usually Venus but it is visible only just after sunset and just before dawn. Currently Mars is close to the Earth and is bright. Jupiter is the usually brightest planet if Venus has set.

Sirius, in Canis Major is the brightest star|||Sirius is one of the brightest stars but most likely what you are seeing is the Planet Venus. It really depends on the time of year and what part of the planet you are viewing from. You can search on-line and get star charts for your area and time. If you have a planetarium or observatory in your area you can call and ask them. Most people in Astronomy love to answer questions..|||Venus|||venus

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