Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What is the difference between a star and a planet, as in why does one form instead of the other?

Why does a star form in one area and a planet in the other? What makes the difference? Is it temperature? Mass? Make up?|||Mass. The difference is simply how much matter coalesced to form that particular body. The largest planet in our solar system is of course Jupiter by a long way. However the smallest star is about 80 times heavier.

To be considered a star it has to be hot enough to sustain hydrogen fusion. The heat comes from the matter coalescing in the first place and it is directly related to the mass of the body. Below 80 Jupiter masses the temperature never gets high enough to allow hydrogen fusion to occur.|||After a star forms, it creates a gravitational field which draws in rock. The rock circles around the sun and becomes a planet. The difference is around 5000 kelvins.

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